Our research focus falls
within the definition of Computational Electromagnetics and
Computational Neuroscience, i.e., an interdisciplinary field which
draws on applied mathematics, physics and computer science to
understand, describe and predict the nervous system and its pathologies
as well as the interaction of electromagnetic fields with living
matter. At the moment our research projects can be framed within three
major lines:
1) Understanding the neural mechanisms
used by neural populations to encode/decode sensory-motor information:
We are currently using pattern recognition techniques to understand the
role played by the different oscillations within the neural code. The
use of pattern recognition allows understanding and mimicking the
coding/decoding processes that are carried out by neural populations in
a trial-by-trial basis.
2) Development and evaluation of
techniques to non-invasively study the brain electromagnetic
activity in healthy subjects and patients: A traditional research topic
of the members of this group has been the design, evaluation and
application of different inverse solutions. One important aspect of the
new research lines is the development of robust inverse solution
methods for the analysis of single trials rather than averages over
stimuli repetitions.
3) Bayesian modeling of perception and
action: How the brain deals with noise and uncertainty: To use
sensory information efficiently to make judgments and guide action, the
brain must represent and use information about uncertainty in its
computations for perception and action. This leads to the Bayesian
coding hypothesis: that the brain represents sensory information
probabilistically, in the form of probability distributions.One of our
aims is to test the Bayesian coding hypothesis experimentally, and so
determine whether and how neurons code information about sensory
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Prof. Katalin Gothard
Prof. Olaf Hauk
Stephen Perrig, M.D. Laboratoire du Sommeil. Neuropsychiatrie. HUG
Grau Fonollosa. Department of Psychiatry and Clinical
Psicobiology, University of Barcelona
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3R-Foundation Project 119-10. Non invasive electrical monitoring of the population spiking activity in the central nervous system
-European Project MAIA FP6-3758 MAIA
The contributions of the
Electrical Neuroimaging Group to MAIA project includes:
1- Use of local field potentials non invasively estimated with ELECTRA
for the development of BCI and the comparison of their information
content with EEG and real invasive intracranial recordings.
2- Inclusion and use of the high frequency oscillatory activity of the
EEG as the basis of physiologically based features.
3- Proposal of efficient methods (Discriminative Power) for the
identification and selection of physiological features.
4- Proposal and evaluation of BCIs based on covert and overt visual
attention using Posner like paradigms as well as steady state
visual evoked potentials (SSVEP).
The main objective of MAIA
was "to develop a non-invasive direct brain-computer interface (BCI)
that determines the subject’s voluntary intent to do a large set
of primitive motor actions on the order of milliseconds and conveys
this intention to a robot that will implement the necessary
low-leveldetails for achieving complex tasks".
To achieve that goal we have proposed the use of the SSVEP BCI with the
following properties:
1) As the motor intention, the "sight" precedes naturally several
movements of the body. In that sense SSVEP is closer to motor intention
than motor imagery.
2) Allows for a perfect cassification (100%) of several simultaneous
classes using very short time periods. For the limited needs of MAIA
(control of a wheelchair) we proposed a system able to identify 4
classes using EEG windows of 0.25 to 0.5 seconds.
3) In practice this BCI controlled of a robot simulator (see download) and a real robot via internet
without any artificial intelligence.
It has been erroneously suggested that SSVEP performance is due to
foveating. In fact SSVEP are based on a property of some primary
sensorial brain regions that "enter in resonance" with the
frequency of an external stimulus. The intensity of this response is
modulated by the subject attention. This property allows for very short
time windows in contrast to motor imagery, word association, and
other (unnatural) methods
that need several seconds to change from one state to the other.
For a comparison with motor imagery BCI see download page.
A word of caution. Several demonstrations use the BCI shared system,
that is, a combination of the BCI and the artificial intelligence
of the robot. Under these conditions nothing can be said about the BCI
until it is not tested alone, i.e., without the obtacle
avoidance strategies of the robot. For details see The
principle of shared autonomy and the evaluation of BCIs.
Main Conclusions from
the FP6-3758 MAIA project:
The reviewers recognized it an "acceptable project" with
"very good research results" and considered that "the research
performed on very high frequency oscillations (VHFO) revealed
interesting aspects which are of fundamental interest for a better
understanding of neural processing."
As for a criticism they remarked that "some of the initial goals
of the project were not achieved."
From our side we have identified the following mean weaknesses:
- The BCI system used on the public demonstrations (by IDIAP and
KUL) does not satisfy any of the initial goals of MAIA about the
identification of more classes in less time and are not based on
the recognition of subjects intent. Instead of that, the system
demonstrated by IDIAP uses complex and unnatural mental tasks (motor
imagery, word association and relax state) using a (visual or muscle)
artifact to stop the BCI.
-The fact that the computer is sending commands every 0.5 seconds does
not mean that the subject can produce different and identifiable mental
states in the same time period.
- The movies describing IDIAP BCI system have received systematic
criticism during public presentations and are considered more as a
demonstration of the robot intelligence than the result of an efficient
BCI. That is, several researchers consider that the shared control is
masking the real behavior of the BCI.
- From the configurations files (distributed to all MAIA partners) it is clear that the simulator used by IDIAP contains especial agents ("Center of Corridor" and "Docking" that may be active even if the intelligence is set to NONE) which artificially correct or keep the trajectory of the robot and thus prevent the real control of the robot by the subject.
- Demontrations using the robot simulator does not include the
graphical element to identify the intelligence level used or the
possible active agents (e.g. "stop before collision" "obtacle
avoidance", etc). We would note that the only two demonstrations using
the IDIAP BCI alone (i.e. without intelligence) have finished by a
failure (see download) .
-European Project BACS
-National Project: IM2-BMI
The IM2 white paper (2002) was one of the first Swiss National
projects on BCI. On this framework we proposed for the first time (at
both national and international level) the use of inverse solutions as
the basis of direct non invasive brain computer interfaces as well as
the identification of physiologically meaningful features based on the
current knowledge about brain functioning.
Catalunya. Grup de Recerca Consolidat.
-Generalitat de Catalunya. Xarxa